Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance (Psalm 33:12).

Ghanaian my sister, Ghanaian my brother, the verdict of the 2012 election petition in court was gloriously communicated to us in August 29, 2013. And we are all grateful for this great and wonderful opportunity the Lord God has given us to know Him, to love Him, to give Him thanks with grateful heart, and to serve Him in unity, peace, and love. To Him alone be the glory.

Our thanksgiving goes first of all to Him, our heavenly Father, for being with us from the beginning of the election in 2012 until now. Lord we are all grateful for what You have done for our nation.

But Lord, we cannot just give You thanks and overlook the grateful people, the VIP, and the institutions You have used to contribute to the success of the election in 2012, and the petition in 2013. Please, allow us to congratulate them, and to let them know the prophecies You have revealed to them to encourage them rely on You.

They are:

1 – Electoral Commission

Electoral Commission, you have done well; and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for helping you organize the 2012 general election, and bring it to a successful end, despite the death of our late President John Atta Mills.

Likewise we bless His name, for helping you declare His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, winner of the election, as God Himself has purposed it in His heart. Congratulation!

Thus says the Lord: Remember not the former thing, for all things work together for good to them that love Me. Be not dismayed; for I am with you. I will strengthen you, yea I will help you organize the next elections peacefully and successfully.

Anchor scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

2 – Supreme Court

Supreme Court, you have done well; and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for helping you execute the judgment with the fear of the Lord, and confirm the victory of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama in the 2012 general election. Congratulation!

Thus says the Lord: When My wisdom is in place, the judgment is executed under divine coverage, and My people rejoice. As a matter of fact, I like the way you have judged the 2012 election petition; and I am set to bless you for it. As I was with you from the beginning of the petition up to its end, so shall I keep on being with you. For I am the Lord your God, the heavenly Judge, I put down one, and exalt another.

Anchor scripture: Psalm 75:6-7

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

3 – Nana Akufo-Addo and all the NPP members

Nana Akufo-Addo and all the NPP members, you have done well; and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Fatheer, for helping you accept the verdict of the 2012 election petition in court, for helping you accept the victory of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama in the election, for helping you congratulate him with brotherly love, and for helping you work in unity, peace and love with him, for a peaceful and sustainable development of the nation. Congratulation!

Thus says the Lord: I know your works. Behold, you have a glorious destiny, but your strength is not sufficient enough to help you fulfill it successfully. You know, by strength, shall no man prevail. And failure is not the destruction of man’s destiny; neither the end of his life. But a lesson you can learn to achieve a victorious goal.

Therefore, I counsel you to forsake everything you were doing by strength, and begin to walk in My ways with faith. Seek first My peace and pursue it with brotherly love. Meekness and obedience to My Word. Trust also in Me, and make Me your hope. And I will give you the desires of your heart.

Anchor scripture: Psalm 128:1-2

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

4 – Ghanaians my brothers & sisters

Ghanaian my sister, Ghanaian my brother, you have done well; and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for helping you love and obey the Prophets God has assigned to teach you His ways, to speak prophetic blessings into your lives, to prophesy to you, and to intervene in your elections and other affairs, for your peaceful and victorious living. Congratulation!

Thus says the Lord: As a coach is a VIP for a football team, so are My prophets for a nation. The secret of My Lordship is revealed to them; and I empower them to prophesy to people for their peaceful and victorious living. Blessed is the nation that receives My Prophets; and the people who love them.

Anchor scripture: Matthew 10:41

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

5 – His Excellency John Dramani Mahama and all the NDC members

His Excellency John Dramani Mahama and all the NDC members, you have done well; and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for giving you the grace to win the 2012 general election, and to avail yourselves to cooperate brotherly with the other political parties and their leaders for a peaceful development of our nation. Congratulation!

Thus says the Lord: Remember not the former thing, for all things work together for good to them that love Me. Be not dismayed; for I am with you. I will strengthen you, yea I will encourage you, and help you work in unity, peace, and love with Me and all the political parties for a better fulfillment of the Better Ghana Agenda, and My Earth Citizenship Agenda.

Anchor scripture: Romans 8:28
See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

6 – Prophets of God and all the Churches in Ghana

Prophets of God and all the Churches in Ghana, you have done well, and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for giving you power to fast and pray for the nation, day and night, without ceasing.

I even prophesied and saw the demons subject to you in the name of the Most High through your prayer and fasting.

Anchor scripture: John 15:16-18

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!

7 – The international community

The international community, you have done well, and we give thanks to the Lord our heavenly Father, for availing you to support the whole nation of Ghana in prayer, during the general election in 2012, and during the hearing of its petition in 2013.

Thus says the Lord: Work is Mine. Behold, work is a talent given to My people to help them fulfill My Earth Citizenship Agenda in peace. Blessed are those who work with the fear of the Lord, and do not complain, nor go on strike for any reason. They shall receive power to get wealth under My Divine Coverage, and eat the fruit of their labor in peace. Moreover, I will give them increase in wisdom, and help them remember Me, and their neighbors with brotherly love.

Anchor scripture: Matthew 25:20-21

See you in 2016 for the next election! God bless you!


Earth Peacemaker
Elections Observer
Spokesperson for God’s Prophets