Pastor Condemns The Use of Electronic Bible In Churches By Isaac Kofi Dzokpo


thumb (9)Resident Pastor of the Blood of Jesus Redemption Ministry Rev. Augustine Appiah has stated emphatically that the use of electronic bibles in churches should be discouraged. According to him, the word God on these devices are not powerful as to be compared to the original bible or the hardcopy one.

The Man of God who made this known to Modern Ghana in an exclusive interview is on the conviction that, one using his/her phone as a bible during church service may not be a sin; but it could be a source of distraction, because calls, texts , chats could make one lose focus in the process of the Church service.

He believed that, the bible apps could be doctored or altered in some ways. ” Could you image this devices can carry unnecessary images or videos such pornographic films. This is extremely bad!” he expressed worry. There is no part of the bible you can find these kind of images.

Adding that, some Christians are even ashamed to hold normal bibles whiles going to Church.

“I once invited a pastor friend to preach in my Church. And he decided go to electronic way. In the process of preaching this ipad, stop functioning. And started looking for a normal bible. So you see this devices are cannot be trusted and more so they are powerless “he condemned.

However, in interview with the President of Information Communication Technology Teachers Forum Ghana Mr. Amankwah Asare Nketia,also stated unequivocally that, there is nothing wrong for using Electronic Bibles to advance the work of God. Adding that, it has rather made the word of God available to all and sundry.

According to him, in the ancient days there was nothing like a paper book when the first bible was written. This he said, they existed in the form of clays and later modernized into books. ” Now modernize into ipads , Phones and others” he explained . He added that, these devices are convenient and portable to carry along. This he said, nothing has been changed in the word of God.