Ghanaians cursed with self-hatred so hate local goods


61195774.295Charismatic preacher, Nicholas Duncan-Williams, of the Christian Action Faith Ministries (CAFM) says Ghanaians are “cursed with self-hatred”, thus their preference for foreign goods to locally made ones.

The CAFM General Overseer and Presiding Bishop told his congregation on Sunday that: “Until we get excited about our own, we are never going to go anywhere in life, and I think that, that is one of the problems we have as people of this country. We don’t celebrate and we are not excited of our own.”

In a sermon monitored by XYZ News, the Archbishop bewailed that: “We get more excited about foreign goods. Everything that comes from outside is good except what comes from us, and it is a curse of self-hatred.”

“We hate ourselves. We don’t like ourselves. And we need to break it. It’s a national curse,” he emphasised.

According to him, Ghanaians’ love for foreign things, has contributed to the stunting of local content.

“…We don’t encourage local content,” he complained, adding that: “We don’t encourage one another. We encourage anything foreign. Anything foreign is acceptable. Anything local is bad and that is the way we’ve been wired and unless we are re-wired, we’ll continue to be servants and we’ll continue to be